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15% off your booking for Legacy Lifestyle members
Spoil someone special with a monetary voucher to use at our property. Stay the night, dine with us, or use the voucher to experience one of the facilities onsite. Your Memories, Our Legacy.

This voucher is valid for one (1) year from the date of purchase. Monetary vouchers can be exchanged for goods or services onsite at the property. Specific vouchers must be used for the purpose intended such as for example a spa treatment. This voucher can be used as full or part payment. No change will be given. Any residual balance will be transferred to a Hotel Gift Voucher Card and will then be valid for 1 year from the date which the transfer occurred. Vouchers are non-Refundable. The hotel will not be held liable for vouchers which have been lost or stolen. Other Ts and Cs may apply.